Thu, 04 Apr

Scala’s Pull Request Policy

Facebook Growth and Traction

Andy Johns’s answer is interesting to read.

I remember asking him, “So what kind of users am I going after? Any particular demographics or regions? Does it matter?” and he sternly responded “It’s fucking land-grab time so get all of the fucking land you can get.” In other words, don’t ask such a stupid question next time. Get the entire planet on Facebook. Clear enough, right!? I knew I liked him from the start.


Qiita is their Hatena

Once upon a time, a lot of Japanese web programmer used Hatena Diary and I think their keyword system was a killer feature. If you write something about JavaScript, people can find your article easily from

I remembered that when I start using Qiita. There are a lot of young (yonger than me) programmers, and they shareing tips, hacks, a process of learning, and something we shared in Hatena.